[EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module
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  • [EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module
  • [EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module

[EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module

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[EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer
EXFO FTB-5700 Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer



주요특징 (Features)


CD(색분산)/PMD(편광모드분산)를 모두 측정할 수 있는 단일 종단 분산 측정모듈

플랫폼: FTB-500


• 10G/40G(Long-Haul) 시스템 최적화
• SEDA(Single-End Dispersion Analyzer) 방식: 한쪽 끝 단에서 측정 가능
• 파장: 1475~1626nm
• 측정거리: 최대 120km


[CD (Chromatic Dispersion, 색분산)]
• 측정 포인트 수: 8
• 분산측정 불확도(정확도): ±12ps/nm
• 측정시간: 40초


[PMD (Polarization Mode Dispersion, 편광모드)]
• 측정범위 : 0.5~15 ps
• 측정시간: 180 초



상세설명 (Description)


New Market Reality Requires a New CD/PMD Testing Approach


The high-speed networking market has been trying to reconcile two conflicting objectives: deliver the faster data rates—10G, 40G and 100G—demanded by subscribers, and keep OPEX down to maintain profitability. Most network operators are well on their way to achieving the first objective, thanks to new fiber deployments and new technology advances such as coherent detection, DPSK/DQPSK and ROADM-based mesh networks.


However, the additional field work—installation, activation as well as the greater dispersion granularity now required—can push operation expenses in the wrong direction. These new requirements force operators to retain the services of more field crews, potentially reducing the average expertise level of technicians and increasing the rate of repeat jobs.


In a nutshell, network operators must absorb more CAPEX to equip their additional technicians, and even more importantly, they must absorb more truck rolls and OPEX.


The good news is, the aforementioned technology advances are making next-generation high-speed networks increasingly tolerant to dispersion, shifting the focus of the test instrument toward built-in intelligence, simpler setups and automated test sequences that generate results that are immediately accurate. EXFO’s FTB-5700 was designed to deliver exactly that, adding an exclusive, game-changing feature—single-endedness, which in itself dramatically cuts truck rolls. The FTB-5700 is a lightweight unit that:


• Enables single-ended testing, market-exclusive feature
• Allows one technician to test both CD and PMD
• Offers a fully automated, highly intelligent interface—no training required
• Minimizes manual intervention, for fail-safe results
• Reduces required connections to just one
• Leads to faster time to revenue


The Only Single-Ended PMD and CD Analyzer on the Market


Combining PMD and CD into one test solution that enables technicians to characterize multiple links from a single location, the FTB-5700 is built specifically for today’s high-speed network reality. Its highly intelligent interface and functionalities ensure that test parameters are automatically optimized, whatever the link.


Additional key features:


• Groundbreaking single-ended testing technology reduces both the testing time and operational expenses (OPEX)
• Highly robust technology for underground and aerial fiber
• Network recognition: unit automatically adopts the proper parameter setups
• Link-length measurement
• Complies with ITU G.650.3 fiber testing standard and FOTP-243 and FOTP-175B standards


Chromatic Dispersion Testing in Raman Deployments


Raman is now an integral part of most coherent system deployments. To optimize Raman gain and efficiency, the fiber type of the effective area must be known. While it is known in most greenfield deployments, the same cannot be said for brownfield. When in doubt, the fiber type can be determined using the FTB-5700: lambda zero, CD slope and coefficient at 1550 nm. The FTB-5700 is uniquely positioned to take these measurements, and since it is single-ended, you will save on OPEX. Plus, the unit will calculate the fiber length for an accurate slope and coefficient measurement.




Single-Ended Testing: Driving OPEX Down in a Hurry


In typical dual-ended dispersion testing scenarios, a technician has to be present at each fiber end. EXFO’s single-ended solution speeds up the process in two ways. First, engineer A does not have to wait for engineer B to arrive at the other end of the link with the light source. And second, fibers can be tested in multiple directions, turning a job that could take hours into one that takes minutes while reducing truck rolls and OPEX.


EXFO’s single-ended solution speeds up the process in two ways. First, engineer A does not have to wait for engineer B to arrive at the other end of the link with the light source. And second, fibers can be tested in multiple directions, turning a job that could take hours into one that takes minutes while reducing truck rolls and OPEX.


Typically, single-ended testing allows full network characterization in 66% less time than any other traditional test method.
Here is the impact on truck rolls for the mesh network illustrated above:


Test type technicians number
End-to-end 2 19
Single-ended 1 6
    In this case, 68% less truck rolls

* In addition to driving down OPEX, fewer truck rolls also mean faster delivery of new services—for faster time to revenue.



Key features


• Single-ended testing of multiple links from one location for fewer truck rolls and reduced OPEX
• Standards-compliant approach
• Get first-time-right results thanks to a single-button approach
• Fully automated, highly intelligent interface
• From the no.1 vendor by market share for CD and PMD testing, based on Frost & Sullivan's 2014 FOTE study
• EXFO Connect-ready: automated asset management; data goes through the cloud and into a dynamic database




Technical specifications

Measured wavelength range (nm) 1475 to 1626
Dynamic range (dB) 25 (32 with reflector)
Distance uncertainty (km) ±(0.01 + 1 % x distance)
Chromatic dispersion
Number of test points 8
CD uncertainty (ps/nm) b ±10
Test time (s) 40
PMD display range (ps) up to 50
PMD range (strong mode coupling) (ps) 0.1 to 20
PMD uncertainty (strong mode coupling) (ps) d  
± (0.2 + 5 % x PMD) <180



a. Typical.
b. At 1550 nm, on 100 km of G.652 singlemode fiber.
c. For a fiber length ≥100 m.
d. For strong mode coupling PMD (telecom fiber) up to 15 ps, with averaging.


Temperature operating : 0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F)
storage : -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to 158 °F)
Relative humidity 0 % to 95 % non-condensing
Size (H x W x D) 96 mm x 50 mm x 281 mm (3 ¾ in x 2 in x 11 in)


1.3 kg (2.8 lb)


정밀계측기 수리전문 02-6679-6363

텍캄몰(Tekkammall.com) 주요납품처

텍캄몰(Tekkammall.com) 주요납품처

관련 상품


- 배송비 : 1,000,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송이며, 미만 주문시 5,000원의 택배비가 청구됩니다.

  도서, 산간지방 및 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다.(퀵, 다마스 배송은 별도 문의부탁드립니다)


- 배송기간 : 배송은 일반적으로 결제후 2~7일이 소요됩니다.(토요일/공휴일 제외, 도서지역 4~8일)

  특수제품, 주문제작 및 직수입 상품의 경우 별도 배송일을 안내해 드립니다.

  배송예절일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.


- 본 상품의 배송 가능일은 15일입니다. 배송 가능일이란 본 상품을 주문 하신 고객님들께 상품 배송이 가능한 기간을 의미합니다. 

  (단, 연휴 및 공휴일은 기간 계산시 제외하며 현금 주문일 경우 입금일 기준 입니다.)

교환 및 반품안내






고객님 부담으로 환불금액에서 왕복 배송비가

차감되어 환불됩니다.

왕복 배송비 확인 후 박스에 동봉해서 보내주세요.

- 일반적으로 교환이나 환불시 10,000원의 왕복배송비가

   적용됩니다.(상품에 따라 상이 할 수 있습니다)

- 재고가 없는 경우 환불처리 될 수 있습니다.

 제품하자 및 오배송

판매자 부담이므로 상품만 보내주시면 됩니다.



 교환/환불이 불가능 한 경우

 환불/교환 요청기간 초과

환불/교환 기간 이후 요청하는 경우(배송완료 시점으로부터 15일 초과시)

단, 수령한 상품이 표기 광고의 내용과 다르거나 계약 내용과 다르게 이행된 경우에는 수령한 날로부터 3개월 이내,
그 사실을 알 수 있었던 날로부터 30일 이내에는 환불/교환 신청 가능합니다.

 재고가 부족한 경우​

단순변심으로 교환을 요청했으나, 재고가 부족한 경우(환불 처리 될 수 있습니다)

 특수제품/ 주문제작/ 직수입제품

주문/제작 상품의 제작이 이미 진행된 경우, 직수입 제품의 경우 주문서가 들어간 경우

 분실/ 파손/ 고장/ 오염 발생

상품택/ 구성품 분실 및 취급 부주의로 인한 파손/고장/오염 등이 발생한 경우

 모니터 해상도 차이

모니터 해상도 차이로 인하여 색상 등 이미지가 실제와 상이한 경우

 기타 불가사유

① 제품박스가 손상되거나 찢어진 경우

② 고유팩 포장을 분리하거나 훼손하였을 경우

③ 렌즈에 이물질 및 지문등의 흔적이 남은 경우

  <기타 불가 사유 참고 이미지>





- 상품 택(tag)제거 또는 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.

- 일부 특가 상품의 경우, 인수 후에는 제품 하자나 오배송의 경우를 제외한 고객님의 단순변심에 의한 교환, 반품이 불가능할 수 있사오니, 각 상품의 상품상세정보를 꼭 참조하십시오. 


- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 15일이내 입니다.

- 일부 특수 제품, 주문제작 및 직수입 제품의 경우 교환/반품이 어려울 수 있습니다.

- 구매전 충분히 상담하시고, 신중하게 구매 해 주시기 바랍니다.  


- 저희 텍캄몰에서 구매하신 제품과 상품은 정품으로 본사 및 전문점에서 A/S를 받을 수 있습니다.

- 무상 A/S기간에 상관없이 밴드교체 및 유리교체 등 소모품성 및 고객님의 부주의로 인한 파손은 유상 A/S(비용청구)로 처리됩니다.

- A/S 처리방법은 매장으로 방문하시거나 전화해 주시고, 우편이나 택배이용시 배송료는 본인 부담입니다.

- A/S 처리기간은 고장상태와 부품조달 관계로 1주일에서 최장 3개월까지 걸릴 수 있습니다.

이미지 확대보기[EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module

[EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module
  • [EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module
  • [EXFO FTB-5700] 단일 종단 분산 측정기 / Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer / Automated CD AND PMD Measurements in a Single Module

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